Thursday 14 July 2011

Sunless Citadel: Character Hooks/Quests so far...

Contracted (Tam and Gregory):
Another party of adventurers, locally based, delved into the Sunless Citadel a month past.  They have not been seen since.  Two human members of adventuring party were brother and sister, Talgen Hucrele (a warrior) and Sharwyn Hucrele (a wizard).  They are part of an important merchant family based in the town of OakhurstKerowyn Hucrele, the matriarch of the family, offers salvage rights to you and your companions if you find and return with the two lost members of her family – or at least return the gold signet rings worn by the missing brother and sister.  She offers a reward of 125 gp per signet ring per adventurer.  If you bring back the Hucreles alive and in sound mind and body she offers to double the reward.

Solving a Mystery (Lareth and Oreth):
The goblin tribe infesting the nearby ruins (known as the Sunless Citadel, though no one knows why) ransom a single piece of magical fruit to the highest bidder in Oakhurst once every midsummer.  They’ve been doing this for the last twelve years.  Usually, the fruit sells for around 50 gp, which is all any of the townspeople can bring themselves to pay a goblin.  The fruit, apparently an apple of perfect hue, heals those who suffer from any disease or other ailment.  They some-times plant the seeds at the centre of each fruit, hoping to engender an enchanted apple tree.  When the seeds germinate in their proper season, they produce a twiggy mass of twisted sapling stems.  Not too long after the saplings reach 2 feet in height, they are stolen – every time.  The townsfolk assume that the jealous goblins send thieves out to ensure their monopoly of enchanted fruit.  You are interested in piercing the mystery associated with how wretched goblins could ever possess such a wonder, and how they steal every sprouting sapling grown from the enchanted fruit’s seed.

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