Saturday, 29 October 2011

Accumulated Treasure: Session 6

Below is the updated 'treasure list' from session 6, including the loot from Balsag as well as the details of the scrolls which Lareth and Oreth identified using their spellcraft ability.  I can't remember if you ended up divying up the loot, and which bits you decided to leave in Balsag's cave (I seem to recall the scale mail and weapons being left there).  I will look over your character sheets before the 19th and try and figure out what went where, but thought you might be interested in knowing what sort of things you have available at the moment.  Lareth will be able to figure out which arcane scrolls he would like to save to copy into his spellbook, and which he is happy to use straight off the scroll as a 'once off.'  Gregory and Oreth can figure out who should carry the divine scroll, and how best to use it.  Don't forget the usefulness of detect magic!

3 ancient crossbow bolts (recovered from skeletal archers)
Enchanted (Invocation)

1/10 lbs. each
Single jade figurine of a dragon
Not enchanted

1/10 lbs.
Leather scroll case bearing what appears to be a fang-like rune

25 gp (paid Yusdrayl)

1/10 lbs.
Leather scroll case bearing what appears to a be a fang-like rune
Arcane (Spider Climb)
25 gp (paid Yusdrayl)

1/10 lbs.
A worn leather scroll case
Divine (Faerie Fire)
25 gp (paid Yusdrayl)

1/10 lbs.
A verdant green feather

25 gp (paid Yusdrayl)

Small flask

25 gp (paid Yusdrayl)

1/10 lbs.
Vial of glowing red, viscuous liquid, sponged up from Draconic fountain which read ‘Nainarya’ ‘Let there be fire’ in Draconic

1 /50 lbs.
Candle on serpentine, draconic candleholder with eerie green flame
Everburning candle

1/10 lbs.
Whistle made of transparent metallic substance, in shape of dragon curled like a snail.  Inscribed with dwarven runes.
Enchanted (Necromancy), made of nephelium (properties of iron but transparent)

1/10 lbs.
Tapered glass vial decorated with dragons breathing flame, contains liquid with peppery taste

1/50 lbs.
6 peridots, each carved in likeness of a dragon, in a little chest
Not enchanted

1/10 lbs. each
9 draconic burial ornaments/precious stones
Not enchanted

1/10 lbs. each
Gold ring with inscription – ‘Karakas’

1/10 lbs.
Karakas’s 5 daggers

1 lbs. each
Karakas’s studded leather armour

20 lbs.
Karakas’s shortbow

Karakas’s quiver (6 arrows)

1 lbs.
Karakas’s vials (tiny spherical ceremic gourd) – 1 full, 1 empty

1/50 lbs. each
Karakas’s sack with waterskin, ration, bedroll, flint and steel, 5 torches

12 lbs. (total)
3 rose quartz

1/10 lbs. each
Angular goblin key

1 lbs.
Silver vial of dwarven make, featuring stylized bearded dwarven head, filled with vial goblin liquor

1 lbs.
Elegant gold band set with blue gem

1/10 lbs.
Larger dragon carved jade figure

½ lbs.
Crystal goblet

1/10 lbs.
24 pieces of silverware

1/10 lbs. each
Sealed scrollcase carved of bone, with dwarven runes carved down the outside
Ancient, brittle series of scrolls, much of the writing lost.  No arcane symbols but what looks like the dwarven runic script, and a portion of what may be a rather stylised map.

1/10 lbs.
2 onyx gems

1/10 lbs. each
2 small dark glass vials

1/10 lbs. each
Leather scroll case containing
Arcane scroll (knock) (Lareth cannot attempt to decipher till lvl 2; Oreth was able to decipher but cannot use arcane scrolls.)

1/10 lbs.
Leather scroll case with a faded reptilian eye
Arcane scroll (cat’s grace)

1/10 lbs.
Warchief Durnn’s Black horn composite shortbow

2 lbs.
19 black arrows (Durnn)

3 lbs.
Gold Signet Ring with Stylized Tree Bearing Apple’s motif
Talgen Hucrele’s signet ring

1/10 lbs.
Balsag’s javelins (6)

Balsag’s black scale armour

30 lbs.
Balsag’s backpack, bedroll, sack,

2 lbs. + 5 lbs. + .5 lbs.
Balsag’s elegant, finely balanced morningstar

8 lbs.
Balsag’s  deep red/maroon flask.

1/50th lbs.
Balsag’s weapons rack (2 spears, six javelins, one longsword, one bastard sword, all in the angular, black iron style of the hobgoblins

2 x 9lbs, 6 x 2lbs., 4lbs., 10 lbs.
Balsag’s Great coat of patchy black fur

10 lbs.

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